Thursday, January 5, 2017

The Usual Mistakes in New Aquarium

Starting with too little aquarium

Since they appeared on the market mini-aquariums, many have begun to choosing them. But for beginners small aquarium represents a complete failure. Why? Because when a small volume of water, the main parameters of the water are changing very quickly, you should not make the slightest mistake.

Even experienced aquarists is a small aquarium big challenge. Beginners in this hobby should be, until they have more experience, to avoid aquariums under 20 gallons. Remember, the larger the aquarium, the errors will have less impact on fish.

Adding fish in aquarium ahead of time

Aquarium owners who are beginners are eager to add fish, often the same day they laid aquarium. Some are lucky but most will quickly lose a few or all of the fish. What went wrong? Water in a new aquarium has not yet stabilized. Gases are dissolved in water, and minerals, heavy metals and chemicals.

In order not to go into details about widely chemical composition of water is enough to say that kostituenti dissolved in water can harm fish. Aquarium water should be up and treated to neutralize harmful substances and should rest for a day or more to be incurred dissolved gases and stabilize the pH value. Only then it is safe to put the fish in the aquarium.

Adding too many fish at once

Aquarium owner is eager to fill the aquarium fish? Adding too many fish at once is unfortunately another common mistake for beginners. While the colonies of bacteria is completely formed, the aquarium can safely support too fishy. At first add only two small fish durable. Before you add more fish, wait until the value of ammonia and nitrogen do not rise, then fall to zero.

Incompatible fish

Aquarium owners who are beginners often choose fish that look appealing to them without being aware of their needs in terms of environment. Some fish fight each other or confirm them might need a completely different conditions in the water. In both cases, we should not hold them together. Always explore each type before you select it as a society in the aquarium. Select peaceful fish that thrive in similar water conditions.

Excessive feeding

The number one mistake owners make is over-feeding fish. Fish are opportunistic and will always look for food. Just because you look like you are hungry, does not mean that you have to feed all the time. Keep them as much as you can eat in five minutes.

During the installation of the aquarium, feed the fish no more than once a day, at critical moments when the value of ammonia or nitrogen high, hang feeding a day, two to reduce waste generation. The fish can easily withstand seven days without food and not suffer any consequences.

Insufficient filtration

Aquarium filter should filter all the water in the aquarium at least three times in one hour. If it does, it means that is too small. If you are unsure about the size of the filter, use a larger filter. You can filter the aquarium too, but you can filter out a lack of it can be harmful to your fish.

  Owners of the aquarium beginners not magically given knowledge of the nitrogen cycle and the need to control the chemical composition of the water in the aquarium. Therefore, they often are not aware that it is necessary to test the water and fail to deal with harmful toxins.
When it was first established cycle of nitrogen and aquarium set up, should be allowed a day to function properly. Before adding fish, you should test the pH value, hardness, ammonia and nitrogen levels. During the establishment of the nitrogen cycle, it is important to frequently test the ammonia and nitrogen (for details, see the nitrogen cycle). Having established nitrogen cycle, test the water once a month to make unnoticed aware of the problems that can arise. If fish suddenly die, test the water to see if anything changed.

Another area in which the new owners have not addressed the aquarium maintenance aquarium which includes regularly changing parts water. Waste builds up in the tank and can only be removed by vacuuming the gravel and replacing part of the water.
While your fish may not die if you do not maintain an aquarium and do not change the water regularly, they will be under stress due to inadequate quality of water status.

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