Monday, January 9, 2017

Filtration in the Plant Aquarium

  First we need to ask whether the filter required in the plant aquarium and whether it can actually will make a planted aquarium without a filter? The answer is a simple yes, we can make a planted aquarium without a filter, but it is in this case necessary to make a stable ecosystem in the aquarium, which will take place the metabolism, it means you need to know? I the number of plants, as well as smaller amounts of fish ina.

Power Head (fountain pump), may contribute to poboljavanju Emen themselves substances in well-built plant aquarium, filtration of the filterless aquarium depends on a good selection of plants, because they are filterless aquarium are the only consumer? And harmful substances from the water and also acts as the most natural filter. Due to the complexity of this procedure ligands preferably be provided, even minimal filtration, classical nim filters, due to the stability of the system itself. Beginners are proposes to move the classic nim filters, as we have noted, because of the complexity of filterless tank.

Filtration that vriu aquarium, moe be mechanical to chemical and biologically, so we'll make a small review of these methods by filtration ie. to the mechanical KE filtration you? e, usually based on filtering water from visible specks that are in the water, and very easily we can compare it with the remains of food? particles substrate including the hard metabolic gregariousness waste themselves fish, tiny specks of plants, and we can say that mechanical filtration system allows the collection of visible matter in the water.

Biological filtration is based on settling filter bacteria in the filter material and is closely can we connect the nitrogen cycle and the process of nitrification, because it is a biological filter? Spoiler adds? for the establishment of biological, balancing tank.

We need to process the very process of nitrification in order to understand how the things you like a biological filter and transition toxic legs ammonia (NH3) into less toxic, but not harmless Nitrite (NO2-) and nitrate (NO3). It should be noted that fish feces, uneaten food, the dissolution biolokog waste leads to the formation of ammonia in aquarium water. Nitrogen cycle is a little? As stated establishes by certain bacteria and Nitrosomonas bacteria that ammonia (NH3) are processed Nitrite (NO2) and Nitrobacter bacteria that Nitrite (NO2) are processed in the Nitrate (NO3), so that the end product of this process nitrate, which is us, in a way most importantly, as a source of food naim plants boiling denitrifikacioni process. The process of denitrification is also may play out in the background, as in the classic nom filter with special filtration materials. (Opirnije of denitrification in the class? Nom filter, they will be presented in a separate text)

Establishment of biological equilibrium is often referred to as cycling or the establishment nitrogen cycle, which is listed in the previous paragraph. The weather is usually a limiting factor? Cycling? the aquarium, which we can accelerate at? initial culture filter bacteria, this can be accomplished through a mixture of plaster of that colonies of bacteria or on the other hand, the addition of filter material from there? eg the newly established aquarium that is. filter. Some believe that the process of cycling he can not start a no fish in the aquarium, while on the other hand believes that the source of the ammonia moe? Ii another way into the aquarium. We can say that the process of cycling earlier starts injecting themselves, and fish in an aquarium, while during the? Natural? creating ammonia, usually the process itself elongated.

Selection filtration plant aquarium lot depends also on the fish, because although he knows? found that plants adopt better Ammonium ion (NH4) nitrate, we must think of the inhabitants of the aquarium plant, and the ligands preferably use the classic filter, to reduce the possibility of massive fish, and algae itself, because although the plants adopt (NH4) faster than nitrate, also the same algae have already the possibility for advancement. Here is an ammonium ion, instead of ammonia, because most plant aquarium has a pH below 7, do I? E? E due to the addition of CO2.

Around efficiency filters, feel free to we can say that is proportional to its amount seems filter mass as well as the flow through the same. To plant aquariums is sufficient flow? Two aquarium? per hour, it can be said that the aquarium of 300 liters, sufficient flow of 600 liters per hour. The flow of water through the tank is very important, just because of the exchange, in this case the nutrients in the plant aquarium.

The plant aquariums, avoid wet-dry filters , special protection due to loss of CO2 that occurs during their use. Also avoid all filters that runs the front passenger's pump, in the fall indoor Corner filters, as well as the Tube sudjerasti filters . The above filters are generally not propuru? Including, due to inefficiency, due to the large loss of CO2 during their use, and they do not? Emo dedicated to enjoy a lot of hives. Let? E? E use? One filters in plant aquariums are called. Canister filters , which are good, maybe the best choice, because of its compact size, features hiding beneath the shelves, due to light manipulation, and because of the solid amounts of filter media.

Roof filters can be used in plant aquariums, provided that no water? Drips? from on high, already to the pass roofing filters are submerged in the water. Advantages of roofing filters these to be very easy? The same, they are very accessible for manipulation, but just "hide" the filter is a solid choice. Also avoid midday filters , which are installed below the substrate, they can cause a lot of trouble with himself? I? Tear, but can use some long term aquariums.

Hang ON or pendulous and filters, which are usually used in small aquariums, just because of the smaller amounts of filter material. ? i? of these filters is very easy, as well as its montaa, the paths in the work itself and aesthetics of this filter, because it usually levies on the last page of the aquarium. UV-C is one of the sterilizers, and of them we can fall into some form of filtration, but we effectively moe rid of the so-called? Green water? or diatoms (vieo diatoms in the text species of algae). When UV-C sterilizers calls into question the collapse of some chemical elements, such as, for example. Fe, and recommends a short application UV sterilizers in plant aquarium.

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